How to increase Personal Productivity? -Xsoftskills


This will not only help you in your career but also make you light to do personal things. This means you will be able to add some extra work & gain more capability to deliver day-to-day responsibilities. Finally, you'll see there is an abundance of time to spend with friends and family.
Personal productivity could only be developed if we work on it. We need to take care of daily routine and all small to big things that we live on. 

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Why is personal productivity important?

Either you do a job or study, productivity always matters. This gives extra power to work more and more. Not just putting extra but help to deliver quantity & quality results. Most people blame that after doing for hours they tired or they won't able to do further. This is OK for the job, you have your boundary &  efficiency. But what if you don't make time for yourself & your family. That's why productivity needs to be improved. Live with joy!!

    How to increase Personal Productivity?

    Let's look at the following examples:

    P1. Stay focused:

    While you doing your job or personal work make sure to be focused and concentrated. Sometimes our productivity went lost due to not concentrating on what we are doing. Therefore it is must to grasp the thing which is going at present. Meditation, listening to peaceful music, Pranayama (breathing exercise), healthy foods, etc are good sources to stay focused.

    P2. Organize Your Ideas & Things:

    Most of the time, our productivity gets loss due to spilled resources everywhere. We don't organize and make them as it is. Similarly, we never make our ideas & thought in an organized manner. This is the reason for not succeed and losing productivity. Making all the things in the right place including maintaining cleanness & putting all the great ideas on the paper or notebook instead to recall multiple times. This will help you to make space for current tasks & you'll get more on productivity.

    P3. Set Your Priorities:

    There might be an abundance of works, should you start at once? Never, start analyzing which one of them is on your first priority. Set properly and find for next. This would be easy to schedule and divide your task into sub-task. Pick this priority, done this, deliver it, ask for feedback, repair it and then jump on to the next priority. Follow this cycle for each task. Finally, you'll see you did your task on time. Just setting priority you achieved your success & saved more time!!

    P4. Schedule your task & routine:

    As we discussed on priorities to set and schedule it. Also, you need to schedule your personal time. Starting from wake up in the early morning, freshness, breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea break, working hours, sleep & golden time (which is remaining time).  Make a proper timetable for each and most important be discipline on this. At the end of every day, you'll see the result & most of the golden time. Time & routine is precious which is only give results after passing some days.

    P5. Make Time for yourself:

    After scheduling your days, this is the time to invest your golden time (remaining time) for golden things. During this time you'll never exhaust your energy and never felt that your productivity has lost. Just follow these rules and creating self-discipline on self.

    P6. Take a Break:

    Don't forget to schedule it. Whatever you do (study or job), take a break at least for 5 minutes after 1hour. This will give energy for the remaining times & you'll do better afterward. In this break also, you can do some breathing exercises (slightly if at the office). You can include exercise, listening to music, taking healthy food, feel nature, meditate, talk with friends & family, etc. This moment will increase a little bit of energy for remaining work.

    P7. Stay Healthy:

    In order to stay fit & healthy, you need to properly care for your daily diet and physical and mental exercises. Take some healthy fruits and vegetables. You can plan your diet as best fit for you. But don't forget to do some physical exercise including Yogas. Instead, you need to include Pranayama, meditation, listen to music, walking, jogging, cycling, enough sleep, manage stress, take vitamins, stay hydrated, maintain hygiene, learn a new language, etc.

    P8. Plan your efficiency:

     In the workplace, efficient workers always demanded. This does not mean, you have to do the whole task on your own. The responsibility given to you, you need to deliver it in an efficient manner by saving some time. Following are some key points to improve efficiency on yourself:

    P9. Set short & long term goals:

    Set short term which can be achieved in 12 months or less. This might your personal or professional goal. You can divide your long term into short term as well. But the short term should not single specific, it could be on a bunch or in different phases. Importance of goal settings>>

    P10. Learn from mistakes:

    This point will save you more time if you have already experienced the various challenges. Thus, learn and keep in mind where you failed many times. Write down all those mistakes for future knowledge. Not just keeping in mind but repairing it also required. Mistakes can be personal things or in a professional career, learn from each & repair it.

    P11. Read Books:

    Reading books is a good habit to reactivate the brain & refresh for further activity. During 5-10 minutes of break, you can read some paragraphs or pages based on your reading speed. But schedule more time to read books. You can read storybooks, novels, biography, fantasy, adventure, love story, mysteries, horror, the bible, etc. as per personal interest. Choose any informative book which will not only let you refresh but also help you gain information & knowledge.

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