What are Problem Solving Skills? | Effective Problem Solving Techniques, Examples


What is problem-solving?

Problem-solving could be defined in two aspects, one in terms of the psychology process in which one can participate to solve problems in a day to day life. This is depending on the mental process in psychology & another one, in terms of the computerized process in which one can involve to solve difficult & complex computer science related issues. The theory computation is a big part of the computerized process.

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Let’s understand these two process of problem-solving:

Psychological Process:

This is actually the process to handle & resolve the problems of personal or social issues & situations. In this one can face mental & emotional stress of the society.

Computerized Process:

In computer science, problem-solving is the main component for solving complex & real-world problems. The programmer deals with various algorithms & computational theory to optimize the solution. Nowadays, various techniques such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotic, cloud computing, the internet of things (IoT), blockchain, virtual reality, etc are booming in which problem-solving plays an important role.

    What are problem-solving skills?

    This is a strategy to identify, analyze, evaluate & resolve problems effectively and efficiently. A good problem solver is always curious to learn & analyze deeply. These are important skills incorporate, however, you seeking jobs or want to switch your career, problem-solving must. 

    This skill also helps to identify better techniques to grow your business. In one statement problem solving is a must in today's generation for both educated & uneducated. There are various techniques to develop & practice problem-solving skills.

    S1. Analytical Skills:

    This is the ability to extract, analyze & make the decision to find the abstract solution. This could be achieved by developing logical reasoning, quantitative aptitude, applied mathematics, solving puzzles, critical thinking, etc. Basically, it is a good practice to divide the huge information into smaller ones and find the relevant ideas.

    S2. Decision Making:

    Without a clear and concise idea, no one can make the right decision. What to do and how to do, that is why right decision making is very important in once or organization issues. Before reaching the solution come up with the proper planning and make it in tactfulness.

    problem solving questions, problem solving examples, problem solving techniques, problem solving skills, problem solving process, problem solving in psychology, problem solving q&a, art of problem solving, importance of problem solving, problem solving in workplace, problem solving steps

    S3. Research Skills:

    Research the best solution to identifying issues and resolve them. Try generating a set of alternative interventions to achieve your end goal and as much as possible with the help of more and more research. This helps you to identify the best solution. Analyze the causes of unwanted situations. This helps you to filter out and evaluate the best solution.

    S4. Emotional Intelligence:

    This is also called the emotional quotient(EQ). This is the technique to understand & manage self & others’ emotions. It helps to relieve stressful situations. A good problem solver has control over emotion & self-management skills. It consists of various components such as Empathy, Social skills, Self-awareness, Self-regulation & motivation.

    S.5 Critical Thinking:

    This is the process of analysis, evaluation & judgment in problem-solving. A good problem solver possesses intellectual  & disciplined quality to gather information and make a decision on it. Communication, observation, inference, analysis & good problem solving are examples of critical thinking.

    S6. Active Listening:

    Not only in one way but in two way communication it is very important to be active while listening. This is the most important trait where people like to reach their abstract solution. Active listening is the solution to deliver the right strategy.

    S7. Creativity:

    It is very important other than the standard portfolio to include some creative idea that has the possibility to reach the solution. As much as creative stuff will include the problem-solving ability will gain towards in right way.

    S8. Dependability:

    This is one source where are you can let yourself and others that how much trustworthy you possess. This also shows, how much reliable, concern and your thought is? Others can give a large and expected task when you meet dependable problem-solving skills.

    S9. Communication:

    Communication is the most important trait in which two or more people interact with each other it is not only facing to face but remote communication is also more important problem solving gives the better idea to make miscommunication in the garbage.

    Effective Problem-solving Techniques & Examples:

    -Identification Of Problem:

    In the first stage, it's important to identify the problems & basic root causes. Once this is identified, make the note and find alternatives for the same problem. One can be prepared well documented & in a structured way.

    -Research & Brainstorm:

    While identified the issues then, the next step should be to research about it & as much as possible, do brainstorming. Try to make a deep understanding and references from various platforms. This will help you to find the right solution in the bulk of information.

    -Evaluate Pros & Cons:

    This is a good practice for the problem solver in which, the problem evaluated with its pros & cons. Each problem and identified solution both have pros & cons. Therefore, make the evaluation effectively. Whatever ideas populated in one mind, each must have pros & cons. Then move towards a further stage.

    -Build & Test Ideas:

    This is the implementation & assessment stage. After making a decision for the right & optimized solution, start to build effectively. Now after developing & self-testing the idea should be tested by the end-user. In this, user feedback helps to improve your solution. Thus, don't forget to take feedback in each iteration.

    -Share Result:

    Once testing is done by the end-user, then the solution or idea is ready for publication. This is time to deliver the items and just hoping to make it better & the effort made for such is worked.

    Problem-solving skills in the workplace:

    Problem-solving skills are very important either for individuals or organizations.
    It gives an abstract idea to identify the issues and resolve them. Problem-solving strategy plays an important role in the workplace because, not only a single but a bulk of problems created in one organization, and to solve all these effectively & with a deadline, one brilliant problem solver needed. If you want to identify a crisis by own or with organization staff and to create a proper solution for such, problem-solving skills must.

    problem solving questions, problem solving examples, problem solving techniques, problem solving skills, problem solving process, problem solving in psychology, problem solving q&a, art of problem solving, importance of problem solving, problem solving in workplace, problem solving steps

    What is real-life problem-solving?

    This is the psychological process in which personal & social activity takes place. This basically happens in human life while doing some day to day work. Either it is teacher, students, professional, jobs or business, problem-solving involve. If you solve some mathematics questions or puzzles, this problem solving helps to create one solution.

    How do you show problem-solving skills?

    This depends on the problem-solving ability. In the classroom, if one student can have the ability to solve the given question, this is due to his/her good problem-solving skills. As above mentioned what are these problem-solving skills?

    How can I solve my daily life problem?

    Always start with identification & brainstorming, don’t make any assumptions, analyze it, fully involve to find the solution with focus. Try to filter out the number of questions. Find alternatives solutions to an existing one. Memorize it, take feedbacks & think before deliver.

    Why is problem-solving important for students?

    As the research says, cognitive development in students is faster & easy than it’s elder age. This age is easy to develop brain & they should more practice on it. This is important to survive further life by possessing good problem-solving skills. And student life is the right time to storm it very well.

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