Types of Listening with Examples -Xsoftskills


Types of Listening

Learn about various types of listening. These listening types are using in formal and informal communication. Each type is written with simple examples. This is useful for both beginners and professionals.
types of listening, 4 types of listening, types of listening with examples, passive listening, marginal listening, projective listening, sensitive listening, active listening

    Passive Listening:

    This is a type of listening where the receiver is completely ignoring the message as well as the sender of the message the physical presence is there, but the listener is mentally absent in passive listening.
    In this type of listening to the listener pretends to be listening but absorbed in thinking or doing something else.

    Example: This type of listening to it is often found in the classroom, where students are physically present but mentally not attentive in the class lectures.

    Marginal Listening:

    Which type of listening exists when there is the provision of too much information. This can be an overloading of the information. In this listener knows the subject of communication but very briefly that means detailed are totally ignored.

    Example: Many students practice selective listening that is when a subject is interesting. They are carefully attentive in the classroom, otherwise, an only physical presence means for students pickup only the topics of their interest and ignore the rest of it.

    Projective Listening:

    In this type of listening each listener has within him a frame of reference in which he or she tries to adopt a perspective of speakers. Whenever listening to the receivers try to view and absorb the content of the lecture within his or her own frame of reference.

    Example: This type of listening is commonly seen in our day to day life whatsoever we listen we always compare and relate with other things, which already exist in the mind.

    Sensitive Listening:

    This is also known as empathetic listening or sympathetic listening. This is the ultimate kind of listening in which not just to listen but to understand the speaker's world as he or she sees it. In this scenario, one can empathize with the speaker, understands his own viewpoint but does not necessarily agree with him.

    Example: Sympathetic parent gives to their children.

    Active Listening:

    The most important aspect of listening is active listening. The receiver understands and absorbs very carefully all that is being said and also cross-question to verify all that information has been listening to him or her. Also makes an attempt to verify whatever he or she heard is correct.

    Example: In the conference meeting all employees listen carefully whatsoever boss is telling this is active listening. 

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