Effective Listening Skills | How To Develop Listening Skills in 9 Steps?


Develop Your Listening Skills:

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Listening will be effective and good in behavior the following is essential for good listening:

L1. Positive Attitude:

This is the most important requirement for good listening in which you have to develop a positive attitude towards the other individual or situation. 
If you start on a negative basis or bias can be harmful to the listening process.

L2. Concentration:

Concentration at the hard core level is the only solution to any kind of problem. 
This can only be achieved by attentive effort on the part of the respondent not to miss out on any of the important issues under consideration and discussion.

L3. Interaction/QA Technique:

If you raise any queries, this is a good practice or strategy to break the dullness of an interaction. 
This type of initiation of question-answer of a presentation can break the dullness of listening and increase the level of concentration.

L4. Read the Body Language:

People analyze the context of a situation. A good listener read between the verbal messages. 
He/She tries to understand the gist and intent of the message. 
Body language and attitude of the speaker and tries to reconstruct the personality of the speaker and figure out the meaning of what the speaker trying to convey. 

The individual who has successfully mastered the art will posses a wider perspective and will be able to view the world in a more comprehensive manner.

L5. Develop an Interest in other Views:

You are entitled to your opinion very well, just as much as others are entitled to theirs. 
Whenever you listening to others you need to keep your ego and prejudices at bay and direct your attention to the speakers. 
You should have an open-minded and develop genuine interest with what other person has to say and this will definitely make you a good listener.

L6. Exercise Patience:

This is not always done or easy to wait until the speaker completes his sentence; in some cases, this could be procreative or unduly long. 
Don't indulge in needless arguments that leave a bad taste.

L7. Don't Over Talk:

Whenever you have to talk, Don't talk too much. Most of the people would rather speak to their own ideas than listen to what someone else says. 
Too many people listen only because it is a price they have to pay to get people to let them talk.

L8. Take Notes:

If it is possible then take notes but this can distract you from listening. So keep the notes to the minimum. 
Let them be an aid to memory rather than detailed notes.

L9. Make Eye Contact:

Mostly people claim that whenever they listened keeping their eyes closed, or down. 
They listen most effectively. Make eye contact while listening.


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