The people ask "How to be Successful in Life". In one sentence, "Develop Self Management Skill", This improves your productivity and reliability. This is good practice to handle any stressful & difficult situation. No buddy can let you down, no buddy will condemn or dominate you. After developing self-management skills - YOU ARE THE YOUR OWN BOSS!!
What is a Self-management skill?
Self-management skills are the ability to manage & control one's actions, emotions, feeling, egos, pride, and thought in difficult situations. Based on your self-management skill one can identify reliability & competency. This is more valuable for the organization, therefore if you are enthusiastic to grow in your career then don't miss any opportunity to develop self-management skills. Also, add this to your resume if you are looking for new jobs. Keep practicing and analyzing yourself whether you are the best manager of yourself.
Importance of Self management skill:
However, these skills required and make life easy. Whatever your work domain, will go after some age but this is a skill on which you'll be valued till the last breath. Self-management skill plays an important role if you are an employer or looking for a job. Majorly all corporate jobs needed these skills due to work pressure & stress. In such a situation, if one has good self-management & control, the situation could be handled effectively.
Examples Of Self management skill:
S1. Self Evaluation:
This is the procedure to analyze, observe & assess your action and soul in a systematic way. This results in the good and bad in your personal & professional life. For this do some meditation & Yoga and schedule one day for evaluation only, so that you can start next with positive and remove negativity. This is kinds of health checkup which mostly done one-time a year. But you can schedule your self-evaluation in a week or a month.
S2. Self Awareness:
After your self-evaluation, you can identify which are good and bad things for you. Then you can make awareness of whether you’re going on the right track. Basically, self-awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and more conscious of what you are doing? or what gonna you do?
S3. Self Discipline:
This should be developed from childhood. Mostly at the school level, this teaches how to be disciplined. But in most of the schools, this is compulsory to be disciplined and if any student goes beyond it they get punishments. Once they keep pace on professional career they get benefit out of it. Self-discipline is the ability to control yourself and keep practicing, never give up, working hard, evaluating, and taking care of yourself without needing others.
S4. Identifying One's Strength & Weakness:
If you evaluate yourself, you will get a pointer on what are your strength and weaknesses? Once you identified it, listed it out in cardboard and clip it on the wall where your eye can move. This is the best practice for self-management to work on oneself. If you want to know more about or if you gonna attend any interviews this is the common question that could be asked by the interviewer:
S5. Managing Self -Ego, Emotion, Pride:
This three-term could be managed by oneself if you are working on self-management. Ego is all about comparing oneself to others. This person always consideration that no one is superior to him/her. On the other hand, pride is something that understanding the reality that everyone is unique and no such comparison one to others. Self emotion such as guilt, embarrassment, shame, and pride are the various social & personal emotions that relate to the sense of yourself and your consciousness of other's actions & reactions.
S6. Thoughtful & Responsible:
Thinking deeply about any material or problems and being responsible to make it successful, is the key point in self-management technique. This approach makes better attention & care on client assignment and relationship that results from high-quality services for the client. Add these two qualities in your dictionary or write on your cardboard.
S7. Planning & Goal Setting:
Try to distribute your personal & professional things before starting the day. Now plan both according to your work time and free time. Set a goal for the year and set the goal for the long term (about 5 years). Your short term should relate or the part of the long term. This should be very systematic and well organized. Don't forget to divide your long term into year short terms. For example: If you want to become a data scientist in five years then your practice & learning should include in the short term instead of completely ignore and start something another activity. Goal setting is the first step & planning is the second. Keep It Up!
S8. Self Commitments:
Be loyal to what you delivered in words. This is also the route to reach the goal. Therefore be honest in your spoken words or you committed to yourself. This lets the people how optimistic and promising you are. Don't break the trust of others. Commitment could be anything like pass an exam, success in a career or job, or business, meet the target, achieve the goal, relationship, friendship, etc. Make sure all external commitment always passes through self-commitment, therefore be honest and keep practicing and improving yourself, because we know -YOU CAN DO IT!!
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