Nonverbal Communication Skills & Examples - Body Language -Xsoftskills


Nonverbal Communication:

The communication is called a non-verbal communication if transmitted without the use of words since written communication is expressed in the term of words. 
Oral communication included both verbal and nonverbal. 
non verbal communication, body language, kinesics definition, example of non verbal communication, kinesics examples

    It has the following benefits: 

    • Verbal and Non-verbal clues coexist 
    • Often a spontaneous process 
    • Nonverbal clues more reliable than verbal clues
    • Can be affected 
    • Should be interpreted in the context 

    Body language (kinesics) - 

    The study of body language is the most important aspect of nonverbal communication. This is most suitable in order to express feelings and emotions, such as- Anger, Joy, Fear, Grief, etc. 

    This is mostly an unconscious process and the communicator is not able to manipulate them. Body language included facial expression, gesture, eye contact, posture, body movement, touch, etc. 

    Body movement, gesture, etc can be formal and informal communication. This is only done by the body movement and expressions without using any words or oral mouth. 

    The importance of a body language:

    1. Facial Expression: 

    Your face is a primary view for expressing emotions, it reveals both the type and the intensity of feelings. 

    Facial expression can have a wide range of responses such as nervousness, determination, rejection, acceptance, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, friendship, optimism, fickleness, shock, boredom, joy, grief, surprise, discomfort, pain, pleasure, confidence, Indifference, interest, honesty, etc. 

    Example:  John completed his assignment and takes it to the boss. The Boss glances at the work and gives a smile, this expression shows Boss's satisfaction and approval. 

    2. Gestures: 

    • A gesture is a movement of head, legs, and hand to express feelings, an idea and emotions. 

    • Gestures can either accompany spoken words and stand alone.

    • Gestures are culture-specific. 

    • By moving the whole body or part of the body one can express both specific and general messages. It has been observed that the intensity of speech is directly associated with the size of the gesture. Speech and gesture go together that is why there is proper coordination. 

    • Gesture equally important role as a medium of nonverbal communication. For example caller pull, handshake, sitting positions, thumbs and figure rub, eye signals, head nod, hand to face, thumbs up, etc.

    3. Body Movement: 

    This refers to the positioning and moment of a body when one is engaged in interpersonal communication. This cannot be sublet or meaningful as facial expression and gesture. Example: When people are involved interested, they tend to lean towards the speakers, and they hold themselves back when they are not interested. 

    4. Eye Contact: 

    It is a very subtle aspect of body language. 
    Each and everyone should maintain eye contact with the speaker if the topic of discussion is pleasant, but in unpleasant situations, we down our eyes and look sideways. 
    Our eye contact also shows a willingness to interact while its absence suggests the desire to withdraw.

    5. Posture: 

    Posture implies the way in which someone usually sits or stands or holds his shoulders, neck or back. 
    Posture suggest our perception of a person's status.
    Sitting and standing with the head erect suggests self-confidence, determination, and dignity. 

    6. Touch (Haptics): 

    Touching is also one of the methods of nonverbal communication in the part of body language. Touch shows concern, caring, affection and understanding. 
    Touch to persuade, never to impose.

    • Gently touch of friends whenever handshaking or on the shoulders can indicate encouragement. 
    • Handshake indicates the interest in our friendship for them.

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