What is the roles of members in an effective meeting?


What are the roles of members in an effective meeting?

The participants play a crucial role in the meeting. The success of a meeting depends much on the nature of the participant and the quality of contribution by the members of the group. The nature of your contribution will depend upon a number of factors including whether you are representing a particular section or department or whether you are required to offer advice or information in a particular area.

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Role of members in meeting

There are some skills that the participating members require for effective meetings are as follows:

    Go to the meeting well prepared:

    They should carefully go through the agenda. Studying the agenda they should identify points on which they would like to contribute They should collect all necessary information useful to the discussion.

    Study the other members poor attending the meeting: 

    The next important step is to familiarise yourself with the special qualities of the participants, their likes and dislikes, their strong and weak points, the way they speak, and the way they react to different ideas. etc.

    Be conciliatory and accommodating: 

    Flexibility is extremely important in a meeting Try to understand others' points of view as you expect them to understand yours. Though the members might have developed their own tentative views they should keep an open mind. They should respect the view of others. If you think they are right, gracefully agree with them. It will enhance your prestige rather than make you suffer the loss of face.

    Control your negative impulses: 

    Negative impulses exist in everyone. If others look unreasonable to you, you may be looking unreasonable at others. Do not encourage your negative impulses. Recognize them as negative and try to control them. For effective meetings, the members should display a positive attitude. They should extend their co-operation for smooth conduction of meeting.

    Avoid lecturing, patronizing, and condemning: 

    Lecturing and patronizing tend to breed inferiority in others. They give them the impression that you are Mr. Know-all while they are ignorant fools. They will naturally resent this. In an effective meeting, every member has their own importance. Every efficient member examines the suggestion and opinions given by all other members.

    Be responsible, open-minded, and confident: 

    A responsible member with his or her constructive and creative comments spontaneously. An efficient member does not hesitate to give any relevant information regarding any topic or issue. They never engage in side conversations and disturb the meeting. They express their views confidently when their turn comes. 

    Eye contact and gesture: 

    They should participate sincerely with reinforcing gestures and lively interest having eye contact with each other.


    Q1. What are the 4 P's of effective meetings?

    Consider the following inquiries as you plan your meeting to determine the 4 Ps:

    (1) Person or persons

    (2) Objective

    (3) Goods 

    (4) Method

    Q2. What are the three C's for meetings?

    I've discovered that every successful meeting has three key elements: commitment consensus, and clarity. 

    Q3. How do you conduct an effective meeting?

    What procedures must be followed when holding a meeting?

    Set a specific goal. Make sure you have a specific purpose and objective for holding the meeting before it begins.

    Think about your audience.

    The meeting should begin and end on time.

    Observe your schedule.

    A follow-up.

    Q4. What are the roles of a member before the meeting?

    Read the materials, the agenda, and any incoming emails to get ready for the meeting. If you have any questions before the meeting, ask the chair. Show up on time. Make sure you finish.

    Q5. What is the responsibility of ordinary members in a meeting?

    Ordinary Members do not have any special responsibilities, unlike Executive Members. The voting members and non-voting members of the Ordinary Members fall into two different categories. Ordinary Members who are eligible to vote may do so on valid Committee decisions.

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